Kirk Lee Hammett

Metallica : Lead Guitar

DATE OF BIRTH: November 18, 1962
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Francisco, CA

HEIGHT: 5 feet, 7 inch

WEIGHT: 134lbs

MARITAL STATUS: Kirk married Lani in Hawaii on January 31, 1998.

JOB: Makes weird noises from his guitar.

SIDE PROJECTS/GUEST SPOTS: Kirk has had a few one-off projects, such as Voodoo Children with Jason, but he has popped up on a few other releases, as well as the old Exodus demos. He was spotted on a Septic Death recording as well as Pansy Division's song "Headbanger." Kirk joined up with Orbital for a track on the Spawn soundtrack entitled "Satan."

OLD BANDS:Previous to Metallica, Kirk played guitar in Exodus.

SPORTS: He's been known to state "I hate sports."

HOBBIES: Horror, mountain biking, piercing, and behind a new Bay Area production company with Les Claypool.

INFLUENCES: Jimi Hendrix is his main inspiration, but also was influenced by Michael Schenker of UFO.

PREVIOUS JOBS: Burger flipper at Burger King as well as a dishwasher.

LISTENS TO: Jimi Hendrix, Fear Factory, various jazz and blues players

ADDITIONAL TIDBITS OF INFO: Kirk is the most...well...different member of Metallica, often dubbed as Quirk Hammett. After being in a disastrous relationship in 1994 and abusing himself with drugs and booze, Kirk drifted a bit from Metallica, but, by the end of the '94 tour, was back to his normal self. During the year long break, he studied Asian arts, Jazz, and film at a university in San Francisco.

Kirk's also a collector of various horror movie memorablia as well as comic books and toys. His favorite movie is 1933's The Mummy as well as the classic cult-horror flick, The Evil Dead.

Kirk was the first in the band, aside from Cliff, to be tattooed. He has a tattoo around his belly that reads Made in S.F. - 11-18-62 as well as hot rod flames on his hips. He also has a variety of piercings ranging from his lip to his belly button.

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